
Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaching is a process that recognizes that our deepest wisdom is rooted in our being. Our beliefs and stories get in the way of hearing the deeper guidance within. Our behaviors are an attempt to meet our needs but lead to suffering and conflict when our beliefs keep us locked in to strategies that don’t work.




Start where you are. Experience the impact of your beliefs on your mind and body. Open to acceptance, understanding, empathy and self-compassion. 

Learn to move beyond your stories and beliefs, become still, hear the quiet voice of your deeper wisdom. Learn how to reliably free yourself from limiting beliefs.

From a place of clarity and integrity, you can easily change unhelpful behaviors and create a life of balance and joy. You can become a force for positive change in the world.

ADHD Coaching

Coaching that is attuned to where you are and what you need to move forward. Wherever you are, I will meet you there and together we will  create a path forward.




If you are struggling to have the clarity, focus and energy you need to manage what is on your plate and to move forward; we begin by developing practices and establishing habits that give you consistent resources to meet your day.

You have your solid foundation of practices that keep you healthy and functioning well firmly in place. Now is the time to assess your goals and create a pathway towards fulfillment and success.

You are clear about your priorities and have the strategies and resources to meet your goals. Now it is time to ‘level up’, to focus on what really brings you happiness, deep connection and spiritual fulfillment. 

Professional Organizing

I love to organize. It is a challenge for many people, but it brings joy and ease to your life. Clutter is a result of delayed decisions and how you think about stuff. I will help you get clear about what you really want to make space for in your life. During

Covid-19 Shelter in place, I am helping people via Zoom sessions.

Make Space for what Matters

Green and Simple

Be Prepared for Anything

My approach to organizing is to help people get clear about what really matters to them and to be sure that their living space is designed to support those activities. Designing your space to support the habits and activities you want to do is a very effective way to get more done with ease.

Our lifestyles have a profound impact on our health and wellbeing as well and on the health of the planet. I can help you save money while reducing waste, being healthier and having less impact on the planet. 

We live in uncertain times. It gives us peace of mind to know we are prepared. When you are de-cluttering is a great time to prepare for the unexpected. I can help you determine what type of preparation is appropriate and how to set up and maintain a system for you and your family.